Abstract Submission

You are kindly invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. Participants are invited to register and submit their abstract no later than 15 April 2014, scientific contributions will be accepted only from registered participants. The Scientific Committee will select the oral contributions and posters based on the submitted abstracts. Authors will be informed of this decision no later than 30 April 2014. Papers on Ramularia and non-parasitic leaf spots are welcome.

Abstract must be sent in a single .doc or .docx file. Abstracts should be written in standard English in MS Word, page size A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), font Times New Roman 12 pt., and single line spacing throughout. The margins should be 2.5 cm. Authors are responsible for the content and layout.


Title (bold)

Author’s full name (first name + surname)

Affiliation(s) / Address(es) /e-mail of corresponding author

Abstract: up to 350 words

Specify session topic and preference for: a) oral presentation, b) poster.


To submit an abstract send an e-mail to:



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